All Around Cowboy Church

Of Faith in Christ

As we know last night the government passed the health care bill. Personally I think we are going to be in a “pit of trouble” if the dust settles soon. My prayer is that our representatives comb everything with a fine tooth comb to get out the trash and over spending that is in this health care package and that the states take over. But here is the best part – “God has already taken control.” He has His men and women in the government places that are doing His work to make sure all His children are okay in all of this.

In the words of Christ:

“Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”
Matthew 11:29

The plain truth is fully asserted of what it means to give yourselves up in faith.

First of all, to strongly desire patience, meekness, humility, and yieldedness to God, is strictly the same thing as to learn from Christ or to have faith in Him. The inclination of your heart to these virtues is truly giving all you are and all that you have from fallen Adam.

While you shut yourself up in patience, meekness, humility, and yieldedness to God, you are in the very arms of Christ. Your whole heart is His dwelling place, and He lives and works in you. So the long and short of this is “we have to trust our God in everything.”

Let your one thought be, “It is now the whole aim of my soul to seek my salvation only through the mediation of the meek. humble, patient, resigned Lamb of God, who alone has power to bring forth the blessed birth of these heavenly virtues in my soul.”

All Around Cowboy Church
[email protected]
5812 Crosstree Ln
Sealy, TX 77474
Church Office
Pastor Sonny Cell

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